Tuesday, May 31, 2011

{New} Babyccino Kids Boutiques...

For months Courtney, Esther, & Emilie, over at Babyccino Kids have been diligently planning & creating a big surprise that launches today. They have a brand new website that is now a  carefully curated shopping portal full of 100 of their favorite boutiques! With many categories to choose from you can browse their boutique picks for baby & children's fashion, home decor, toys, & essentials. Given their reputation for their impeccable taste & eye for what's hot, I can't wait to really dive in & explore.

Ok it's true, I'm even extra excited because klt:works has been selected to be a part of  this awesome shopping resource (under children's clothing). So, pop on over to Babbyccino Kids to see what all of the hubbub is about, I guarantee you'll be delighted with what you find. Job well done ladies! I'm so thrilled to have klt:works included in this adventure! 

Speaking of new looks & ideas, did you notice something different here at the klt:sketchbook? Thanks to this wonderful friend, there is a whole new look here too! What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. Yay!! I've been browsing Babyccino for the past 2 days now.. lol! I've been seeing all my fave shops here and I'm so glad to see yours here too! There are no softer tees or wonderful plushies than KLT. and I mean that. And holy moly! Thanks for the shout-out Kristin. I need to brush up on some more coding so's I can help you out more!



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