Saturday, October 30, 2010

{Everyday Inspiration} Cardboard Man...

Yep, it's true- I am married to a man who loves Halloween. While I'm scrambling around putting last minute touches on Sayer's costume & really haven't dealt much with my own, Chris has been finished with his costume for days. He has even worn it all day at hutch studio (where he makes all sorts of cool cardboard & recycled treasures)! He's a master with cardboard and his whole outfit is made from recycled polyfil boxes. Each year I think he outdoes his last Halloween costume. This guys just gets better with age I tell ya. He actually just started his own blog this week that you may want to check out ... he's always making something noteworthy.

About an hour after I originally posted this, Chris came home and told me that he had made a mustache & belt. So, I had to add more photos. Something tells me that he may just start wearing cardboard outfits now- which is great because I go through lots of boxes of polyfil.   Hope everyone is enjoying the weekend (& Halloween prep if you celebrate)! Will be back soon with more Halloween goodness....


  1. Oh my goodness! That's hilarious! Truly. I've got to show my husband.

    We put cardboard in the bin! Shocking, now I know I can wear the stuff!


  2. This is fan-freaking-awesome! Keira was looking at these pics and I don't think she can wrap her head around the fact that it's cardboard pieces.. She can't figure it out. lol! I love the little details Chris added like, the ribbing on the side of the glasses, the 'ribbon' on the hat and the sewing detail on the buttons. You guys really take the cake!

  3. @Carmel -Oh yes, you can wear your recycling. :) I know, he's a crack up & pretty darn resourceful. :)
    @ Chantale -His details are pretty great. He actually just came home and said we need to take more pictures. He has added a belt and & mustache!
    More pictures on the way....

  4. I have to post this - you know I love cardboard and recycling - what a wonderful talented couple you are!
    Happy Halloween!

  5. Till the end of the day he'll also have pants, underpants, socks and shoes made out of cardboard I bet! :)) Really amazing! I've seen this fo 20 times in the last few days and each time I'm deeply impressed and ginning :)

  6. this is brilliant! i LOVE it. thanks for bringing a smile to my day : )

  7. Gorgeous!

    But did you know that an Italian company uses your image for advertising?



    1. Thank you! I really appreciate you bringing this issue to my attention! I was completely unaware of this Italian company using my image of Chris as cardboard man for their advertising campaign! I will look into it further.



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