As summertime transitions into fall, time is becoming harder & harder to come by it seems. New schedules & activities start filling our days as fast as new products start filling the klt:works shop. The day after we got back from our little family getaway, I picked up a few of boxes of new tee orders from my screen printer. I work with a shop in Japan that had requested some sandpiper & owl couple onesies which gave me an opportunity to print some toddler tees as well. So Sayer & I promptly took off on a local adventure with 2 new tees in hand - in hopes of some cool discoveries & some product documentation. I think we were successful... What's your favorite way to multitask?
Oh my gosh, stunning product shots here! I absolutely LOVE #4+5 photos here!! Wow. The tees turned out great Kristin and your little guy.. well, what can I say. Just a super cutie!