Friday, February 3, 2012

{Inspiration} Collaborations...

It seems like at the first of the year I always go on major research tangents. I'm a sponge that soaks up inspiration & information as if to store it for the rest of the year. I love discovering how things connect. My brain is on overload with facts & inspiration flitter fluttering around in my brain. This week it all started with researching Maurice Sendak & watching the documentary, Tell Them Anything You Want: A Portrait directed by Spike Jonze (who directed the movie Where The Wild Things Are). I find Spike Jonze brilliant & adore Maurice Sendak. I was happy to find this photo of Maurice Sendak, taken by Annie Leibovitz for Vanity fair this last August. Being that I love photography, her photographs are always a pleasure to discover.

Then my memory was jogged that Spike Jonze directed this awesome video that features Christopher Walken that makes me grin ear to ear. Christopher Walken has always intrigued me & I'm a sucker for a good dance sequence. So there you have it, four inspiring people & some very cool collaborations. Hope you have a great weekend & have a chance to dance a little!  


  1. How did I not know that the Christopher Walken video existed? Amazing!!!
    Maurice Sendak has been my favourite illustrator since age 4.

  2. I LOVE Christopher Walken in that Fatboy Slim video! Of course, ever since I watched him in Sleepy Hollow, I can't get over how creepy the dude is. But he can dance!

  3. @Andrea- Isn't it great?! I love it. :) Maurice Sendak is a long time favorite of mine too! I have such vivid & warm memories of his books from 1st grade & on... I'm introducing them all to Sayer so my love affair /w Sendak has been rekindled.
    @Chantale- He is just awesome in it! Yeah, the dude has creepy down for sure! :)



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